Sign up for a Scribble class, workshop, or camp near you!

*NEW! Clay Camp in Dobbs Ferry, NY (K-5)
We're so excited to host our inaugural summer at our expanded studio with our clay room! This summer, we'll be offering clay camp every week with new projects throughout the entirety of camp. Vessels, containers, sculptures, mobiles; we'll explore clay hand-building techniques to create all types of functional and aesthetic ceramics. We'll also experiment with various glazing techniques and surface treatments.

Summer Camp in Dobbs Ferry, NY (K-5)
Summer camp is one of our most beloved programs for campers, teachers and studio managers because of ALL the time we are able to dedicate to art-making and community building throughout the week. In addition to high-quality and multilayered art projects, our Dobbs Ferry camp includes walks in our nearby parks and playgrounds, collaborative outdoor earthworks and daily sketchbook challenges!

Summer Camp in Inwood, NYC (K-5)
This is our 11th year offering summer camp in our beloved "hometown" of Inwood, NYC! In addition to high-quality and multilayered art projects, our Inwood camp includes walks in our nearby lovely parks and playgrounds, collaborative outdoor earthworks, and daily sketchbook challenges!

After School Classes
Our after-school programs offer a variety of creative classes plus plenty of time for enriching social time and play.
*Pick-up is available from select schools – check individual class registration pages.

Art Play Date
Join us in the studio for collaborative open-ended art-making! Each week, we'll have different art materials to explore on a large-scale: imagine painting large cardboard sculptures or constructing huge paper sculptures or drip painting on one large surface! What do all these activities have in common? Your artist will be making art on one BIG surface with other artists. Please note this class is open-ended and does not include a formal class structure. Our teachers will be on-site to help guide your artist but this is an opportunity for you and your child to explore art-making together and with peers.

Clay Hand-Building (Classes for all ages!)
Our clay hand-building classes are the perfect opportunity for artists to work with Scribble's favorite sculptural medium: CLAY! We'll explore various hand-building techniques using traditional clay tools and our most important sculpting tools: hands! Artists will make both functional and aesthetic ceramic pieces and once they're fired, experiment with bright and colorful glazes. Perfect for artists who love to build, sculpt and construct!

Drop & Dine Nights
Want to enjoy a great night out (sans children) knowing that your little artist is well cared for and having a great time making art?!? Who wouldn't, right? Projects vary from sculpture to painting to printmaking to collage but always offer the same dose of creativity and fun.

Open Ceramic Studio
Join us in the studio for glazing a pre-made ceramic piece. We have tons of pieces to choose from including both functional ceramics and small sculptures perfect for the artist looking for something decorative to give as a gift or display for themselves. A great way to spend the morning or afternoon with family or friends, you can stay as long as you'd like during open studio time

Saturday Workshops
Join us for a monthly Saturday Art Workshop! These workshops are the perfect balance of process and product focused art-making. We explore artistic methods with the best of materials and the result is a beautiful (and often functional) work of art that's usually geared towards an upcoming holiday or season.

School’s Out Workshops
K-5 | 9AM-3PM | DROP-OFF
Looking for a full day workshop for days when school is out? We've got you covered. We'll fill the day with outside play and of course, a ton of art-making!

Private Lessons (K-5)
Is your artist especially passionate about their art-making? Our 1-hour one-on-one lessons are a great opportunity for them to develop a more comprehensive art practice including setting up their workspace, finding inspirational artists that align with their innate artistic style and working through all the challenges and possibilities of each material or method we explore together.

Private Pods (K-5)
This is the classic pod: an opportunity to take an art class with your friends, family members or school mates either online or in person! This 1-hour class features our multi-layered complex projects that explore various art materials and methods (both conventional and experimental). We’ll work through all the possibilities of each layer of materials together; sharing our artistic choices and revelling in the result!