Summer Camp in Inwood, NYC (K-5)
with us this Summer.
Join for individual weeks or the whole season!
Monday-Friday, 9AM-3PM
At our NYC Studio: 5030 Broadway Suite 816, New York, NY 10034
Daily schedule includes walks in the beautiful area surrounding our studio, collaborative outdoor earthworks, daily sketchbook challenges, outdoor play, and of course, tons of art-making!
5:1 camper:teacher ratio
All camp sessions include a camp t-shirt.
You send a bagged lunch, snack and water bottle. We are nut-free.
Extended day options:
8:30AM drop-off for $15/day or $60/week
3:30PM pick-up for $15/day or $60/week
5:00PM pick-up for $200/week
$750 per week, paid in full or with a payment plan of 4 installments:
At check-out
2 mo before camp
1 mo before camp
First day of camp
Cancellation Policy: Registration requires a $200 non-refundable deposit per camper. Full refunds (not including deposit) will be given until May 1st. For cancellations after May 1st up until 7 days before the enrolled week, a program credit will be issued (minus the deposit) and can be used in any other age-appropriate class within one year of original enrollment. If cancellations are made 6 days or less before the enrolled week, there are no credits or refunds. If cancellations are made during the week of camp for any reason including illness, there are no credits, refunds, or make-ups for any missed days.
This is our 11th year offering summer camp in our beloved "hometown" of Inwood, NYC! In addition to high-quality and multilayered art projects, our Inwood camp includes walks in our nearby lovely parks and playgrounds, collaborative outdoor earthworks, and daily sketchbook challenges! At the conclusion of each week, families will be invited to an exhibit at the studio, where proud artists will share what they've created.
This year, we're offering early drop off at 8:30am, late pick up at 3:30pm and extended day until 5pm. For artists who stay for extended day, they'll get an additional healthy snack, outdoor time and open ended art-making to finish up the day!
7/7 - 11 CLAY
This week is all about the most direct material an artist can get their hands on, literally! We'll explore how clay works for making both functional and purely aesthetic sculptures. First, we'll make our own bowls using the coil method, then we'll make miniature house sculptures. Finally, we'll finish up the week creating our own mobiles with sculptural letters that make up our names! We'll complete the surface of all of our clay pieces with a choice of paint or acrylic glaze for some shine! Artists will leave camp with a foundational understanding of the qualities of clay as a material along with some really beautiful handmade containers and sculptures to share with family & friends at home!
7/14 - 18 STUFFIES
This week, we celebrate the latest stuffie craze amongst our young artists! We'll begin the week by designing and creating our own stuffies using felt and found materials. Artists will explore the process of sketching their ideas, creating patterns, using embroidery for detail and then exploring a combination of hand and machine sewing techniques for construction. We'll continue the week by creating a bed for our stuffies to sleep in and finish up camp with large-scale painted portraits of our creations! Artists will leave this camp with a solid understanding of how to bring a 3-dimensional concept into fruition through imagination and good ol' hard work as well as how to merge our dramatic play with artistic creation.
7/21 - 25 THEATRE ART
This week, artists will explore the convergence of visual and dramatic arts. We'll begin the week by building our own miniature sets of own stories. This will include sketching scenes, transferring sketches into a box, adding 2-D and 3-D elements of detail and finishing up our sets with mini stage curtains that open and close! We'll spend the next part of the week developing our characters with paint for facial details and fabric for costumes. The week will conclude with short performances that feature our characters interacting in their settings!
7/28 - 8/1 STICKERS
Who doesn't love stickers?!? This week of camp will be dedicated to creating artwork with pre-made and our very own unique stickers. We'll explore pattern, color, texture and imagery on both a large and small scale. Our first project will be a bound sticker book filled with pockets for storing stickers and pages for creating our own sticker collages. Our second project of the week, we'll be making our own stickers out of abstract paintings and composing them on one surface to make a large-scale collage on illustration board. In addition to our end-of-the-week art show, we'll have a sticker fair where visitors (families) can collect each other's handmade stickers! Artists will leave camp with a heightened appreciation for these every day items as well as a more sophisticated knowledge of composition and collage.
Printmaking is all about trial and error. Once you have created or found whatever you're stamping, it's very hard to predict exactly how the print will turn out. This process lends itself wonderfully to artists learning from practice and repetition and accepting that failure (and eventual success) is all part of it! Artists will begin the week by creating transfer self portrait prints. Using paint and drawing tools, we'll add detail, design, color and contrast to our transfers. Next, we'll explore pattern and textile design by creating own block prints. We'll use these blocks to complete our own unique bandanas to proudly wear as beautiful and one-of-a-kind works of art! Artists will leave this week of camp with a solid understanding that practice doesn't always make perfect but it does often yield some very interesting and complex artwork.
8/11 - 15 TOY DESIGN
An artist had to design and create the toys we play with, right? Of course! This week is dedicated to toy & game design. Artists will start the week by developing their own family of wind up toys complete with character sketches, clay forms and small-scale details made from wire and other found materials. Then, we'll move onto designing and painting own own puzzles. Artists will have TONS of fun this week including a play session where campers will play with each other's handmade toys and puzzles. Artists will leave camp with an enthusiasm and capability to design and create their own toys and a couple to play with as soon as they get home.
8/18 - 22 SCULPTURE
Sculpture is an essential and foundational part of our mission because it uniquely teaches artists how to create a piece of artwork that's interesting and also structurally sound. This week of camp, we'll make two sculptures; one that is abstract created out of cardboard and the other that's of a creature, out of recycled materials and plaster. Both projects will focus on the fundamental steps of building a stable piece of work from a strong armature to a stable form and finally to a detailed and interesting surface. At the end of this camp, artists will have a solid sense of working within a 3-D space to build tall sculptures using different materials.
All kids like to work on a large scale and who could blame them? Painting BIG allows artists the space to push against physical boundaries and discover new possibilities. This week, your artists will have the opportunity to work BIG! We'll begin by stretching our own canvas panels. Canvases stretched, we'll gesso them and create beautifully complex abstract paintings using acrylic paint and sumi ink. The second painting of the week will be a large-scale self-portrait. Artists will paint themselves life size learning how to magnify details of their facial features, clothing and body position. Artists will leave this camp with two large-scale paintings ready to grace your walls and a working knowledge of how to fill a large surface with the gorgeous color, shape, line and texture.