Sign up for a Scribble class, workshop, or camp near you!

Clay Hand-Building (Classes for all ages!)
Our clay hand-building classes are the perfect opportunity for artists to work with Scribble's favorite sculptural medium: CLAY! We'll explore various hand-building techniques using traditional clay tools and our most important sculpting tools: hands! Artists will make both functional and aesthetic ceramic pieces and once they're fired, experiment with bright and colorful glazes. Perfect for artists who love to build, sculpt and construct!

Open Ceramic Studio
Join us in the studio for glazing a pre-made ceramic piece. We have tons of pieces to choose from including both functional ceramics and small sculptures perfect for the artist looking for something decorative to give as a gift or display for themselves. A great way to spend the morning or afternoon with family or friends, you can stay as long as you'd like during open studio time

Private Lessons (12 yo to adults)
Our 1-hour one-on-one lessons are a great opportunity for your teen or YOU to develop a more comprehensive art practice including setting up your workspace, finding inspirational artists that align with your innate artistic style and working through all the challenges and possibilities of each material or method we explore together.